

Jessica Turnbull

Jessica Turnbull


Textiles / Fibre


Textiles, Plant fibres, Plastic & Synthetics, Paper, Leather


Jessica Turnbull a Scottish Knit Textile Designer explores the digital applications of knitwear. Architecture has always been at the root of her process, sourcing inspiration from small details of facades and the conjunction of materials found within the urban landscape. Focusing on creating a juxtaposition of structures through stitch and yarn combinations. With sustainability at the forefront of her design decisions using only British spun 100% lambs wool yarn in the Geometric collection promoting the benefits of wool within her design journey. Jessica’s practice aims to eliminate waste from the textile industry through the innovative use of knit technology. The Making process evolved into studying different yarns behaviours and how this effect the character of the knit, trying to push the boundaries of people’s perception of knit and what it can be used for. With a clean elegant aesthetic rooted in architectural references and a passion for sustainability. The geometric designs have been influenced by the movement of water’s surface. The playful nature of the knitwear, evokes references from the Estonian Song and Dance Festival by stimulating movement of the knit’s structure. Using digital knit technology to create tangible pieces of design.

Connect with Jessica Turnbull


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