

Woman of the Woods

Woman of the Woods


Woodworking, Furniture Making




Based in rural Dumfries and Galloway, I make unique wooden furniture and objects from the naturally abundant timber that shapes our local landscape. I feel that as a fine art graduate, re trained to work with wood; I see everything I make as a one - off, one of a kind sculpture. I love working with wood, designing and moulding my work around the grain and patterns inherent in the material, through the shapes and forms I create. I source all of my wood directly from the region I live in, which is mostly storm blown or diseased, naturally air dried hardwood timber. I feel proud to hold that connection to the land and a real sense of sustainability in the material I use. My current range includes: spoons, vases, boards, sconces, cabinets and foot stools. This year I was a successful recipient of the ‘Emerge Bursary’ organised by Upland Art CIC, our regional arts organisation in Dumfries and Galloway. Designed for early career artists and makers, Emerge offers both mentoring sessions and financial help. This has supported me to develop and lay a strong foundation for my creative business and progression in my work.

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