
Maker Application Criteria - Craft Directory


This page will outline and explain the full application process, from what to consider before you apply, to all eligibility criteria and the review calendar.


Please make sure you have read through all the below guidelines before submitting your application.


If you have any queries about the Maker Application Criteria for the Craft Directory, please get in touch with the Craft Scotland team at hello@craftscotland.org before applying. 


On this page: 

1. About the review process 


The Craft Directory Selection Panel meets three times a year and is composed of three members of the Craft Scotland team. You can find the Review Calendar in section 7 on this page. 


All applications are assessed against the Maker Eligibility Criteria outlined in section 5 or the Craft Directory Criteria outlined in section 6


These criteria are in place to ensure that the review and selection process is fair and consistent and that all applicants are reviewed against the same set of criteria.


Our criteria also allows Craft Scotland to consider each application in relation to the Craft Directory’s mission and curatorial vision to showcase the breadth of Scottish contemporary craft from professional makers across the country. 


After the review meeting, you will be sent an update on the outcome of your application. You can find details of the possible application outcomes in Maker Application Status outlined in section 8.  


2. Before you apply 


Before you begin your application for the Craft Directory, make sure that you: 


  • Are a professional maker, living and working in Scotland* 
  • Work in one or more of Craft Scotland’s eligible disciplines 
  • That all your work is your design and made by you (or small-batch production under your direct supervision)** 
  • Meet the Maker Eligibility Criteria outlined in section 5 and the Craft Directory Criteria outlined in section 6 


*Location: we support makers who are living and working in Scotland. Makers who are not based in Scotland full-time must demonstrate in their application that a fundamental aspect of their creative practice is actively taking place in Scotland for over six months of the year.  


**Production: Handmade objects should be designed and made in Scotland. If part of the design or production takes place outside of Scotland, this should be clearly stated and justified in the application, and the maker’s work should fit the Maker Criteria outlined in section 5.  


3. High-quality images 


Please note that as part of your application you will be asked to provide a minimum of five high-quality images of your work. High-quality images are important for the Panel to confidently assess your work and your specific craft-making skills.


Please ensure that your selected works form a cohesive collection that will best reflect your craft practice.  


Craft Scotland’s curatorial approach focuses on contemporary craft practices where the maker’s use of materials, techniques and overall design intention demonstrates their unique voice, and a desire to experiment and present new perspectives.  


You can read more about the disciplines Craft Scotland support, how we define contemporary craft within our programme, and how to send us feedback, on the About: What is Contemporary Craft? page.


If you are unsure about your eligibility for the above, please get in touch with the Craft Scotland team at hello@craftscotland.org to discuss before applying.  


4. Craft Directory Fee - Maker Profiles 

The annual fee for a Maker Profile on the Craft Directory is £49. 


Craft Scotland is committed to supporting makers in the development of a sustainable creative and business practice throughout their career.  


Our programme provides support, advice, information, learning and development, and showcases opportunities for makers of all backgrounds, in all disciplines and at all stages of their career.


As we are a registered charity, your Craft Directory subscriptions will help us continue to deliver a vibrant annual programme that supports makers and connects communities with Scottish contemporary craft year-round, online and in-person. 


To meet the Maker Eligibility Criteria, you will need to demonstrate in your application that you meet at least one of the criteria of Section A, and at least two criteria of Section B.  


These sections are part of the online form and you will be able to provide details of which criteria you meet when submitting your application. 


Section A: Training 

We understand that there are many different types of makers and craft businesses in Scotland. We try to be flexible in our evaluation of professional development and training when reviewing applications to the Craft Directory to accommodate for the variety of routes into craft. 


You should meet at least one of the following: 


- You have been practising professionally for at least three years  


- You have trained as an apprentice in your craft discipline 


- You hold a degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant area 


Section B: Your Professional Development  

We define a professional maker as someone who is actively involved with the contemporary craft sector, and who can show that part of their revenue comes from their craft practice or work in the craft sector. This involves a wide range of activities, including exhibiting and selling work, teaching and researching. 


You must be able to say yes to at least two


- You have exhibited your work publicly within the last 36 months at a curated show, selected fair, exhibition and/or event (this excludes degree shows) 


- You have received one or more prizes, awards or bursaries for professional practice 


- Your work has been positively reviewed or featured in an art journal, magazine or newspaper** 


- You have been engaged by contractual agreement in an artist's placement scheme (e.g. a residency) 


- Your work has been purchased for one or more public collections 


- You are represented by a gallery 


- Your work is stocked in one or more quality outlets 


** You must be able to provide a press cutting in digital format, or a link to the publication as part of your application for this criterion to be met. The form will allow you to upload an attachment or add a link (URL). 


6. Craft Directory Criteria - Maker Profiles 

Alongside the above Maker Eligibility Criteria, the Craft Scotland Selection Panel will consider if your work and practice meet our Craft Directory Criteria.  


The Craft Directory Criteria help us identify if the application will sit coherently with all other profiles on our Craft Directory, and if the Craft Directory would be the best strand of our programme to support the applicant’s work at the time of application. 


To meet the Craft Directory Criteria, the Selection Panel will consider the following:  


  • Does the maker have high-quality imagery for the work presented? 
  • Does the application show a unique maker’s voice and a coherent body of work or a coherent direction the work is evolving towards?
  • Does the work show evidence of being well-designed? By well-designed, we mean that the work shows a strong concept and is intentionality carried through from the initial idea to the final product.
  • Does the work show evidence of being skilfully made?  
  • Will the work coherently fit with other work featured on the Craft Directory? 
  • Does the application meet the minimum Maker Eligibility Criteria? 


Our wider programme provides support, advice, information, learning and development and showcasing opportunities for makers of all backgrounds, in all disciplines and at all stages of their career.


We aim to provide every applicant with feedback on their application to signpost them to the most relevant resource(s) and programme strand(s) that will help them further their craft and business practices.  


Learn more about our programme on our Projects pages.


7. Review Calendar 


The Craft Scotland Selection Panel meets three times a year to review submitted applications.  


Below are the upcoming dates for the Panel and the corresponding submission deadline for applications. 


You can submit your application for the Craft Directory at any time during the year. Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email confirming the current year’s review calendar. Your application will then be reviewed by the Craft Scotland Selection Panel at the next panel following the deadline for application. 


We reserve the right to change these dates, please always check this page for the most up-to-date Review Calendar.



Winter Review 2024/25

Deadline for applications: 5pm, Tues 4 Feb 2025  

Application outcome: Week beginning 25 Feb 2025 


Spring/Summer 2025  

Deadline for applications: 5pm, Tues 3 Jun 2025  

Application outcome: Week beginning 24 Jun 2025  


Autumn 2025

Deadline for applications: 5pm, Tues 7 Oct 2025  

Application outcome: Week beginning 28 Oct 2025



Application outcome dates are given as an indicator, and we may take longer to come back to you on your application. Read our full Terms and Conditions.


8. Maker Application Status 


After the Craft Scotland Selection Panel have made their decision on your application, you will be notified of the outcome via email and your application will be processed on our website.  


Their decision will be one of the following: 


A. Eligible 

If you meet the Maker Eligibility and Craft Directory Criteria, your application is successful. 


You will receive your annual payment link via email, and once your payment has been processed, your profile will go live on our website.  


You will then be able to log in to add more information, add visuals and create collections, as well as to take advantage of the full Craft Directory benefits. 


B. Eligible, Pending Information 

In certain cases, an application will meet the Maker Eligibility and Craft Directory Criteria, but we would like to request new images or additional information. Your application will be marked Eligible, Pending Information. 


Once you have provided the new images or additional information, we will finalise your application within two working weeks.  


Your new Maker profile will then be ready to go live on the Craft Directory. You will receive your annual payment link via email, and once your payment has been processed, your profile will go live on our website.  


You will then be able to log in to add more information, add visuals and create collections, as well as to take advantage of the full Craft Directory benefits. 


C. Non-Eligible 

If you do not meet the Maker Eligibility and/or Craft Directory Criteria, your application will unfortunately not be eligible to move forward.  


Craft Scotland believes that feedback is an important and integral part of supporting maker development. For each application that is non-eligible, we will provide feedback on the reasons why it did not meet the Maker Eligibility and Craft Directory Criteria, along with any feedback from the Craft Scotland Selection Panel which you may find useful.  


You will be able to re-apply for the next review period should you wish to.  


If your Craft Directory application is unsuccessful, you will still be able to access other forms of support to develop your practice on our website. This includes our Maker Community section that includes Opportunities listings and our online Resources. We may signpost you to specific, relevant opportunities or organisations depending on your work.