MAKE Learn Projects

Exhibition at the Scottish Parliament
Sept 2023
The MAKE Learn presented a three-day exhibition at the Scottish Parliament team in August, lobbying for the inclusion of craft within Scotland’s education curriculum.
Hosted by Michael Marra, MSP for North East Scotland, the team met up with MSPs to discuss the key aims of the MAKE Learn campaign and champion the value of craft and making education.

MAKE with the Knit Shop
Launched Aug 2023
MAKE with the Knit Shop is an ambitious teacher development project supported by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Teacher Development Fund running August 2023 to December 2025.
Over two years, the project will work with six primary schools in Dundee to introduce new craft-based approaches to apply numeracy skills through textile activities. MAKE with the Knit Shop is a partnership between MAKE, Knit Shop and Dundee Creative Learning Network, led by Craft Scotland and Panel. It is funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Teacher Development Fund, with additional support from Creative Scotland as part of their targeted funding to strengthen the craft sector in Scotland.

Event at the Scottish Parliament
April 2023
In April, Make Learn hosted a private event at the Scottish Parliament to present the Research Report and learnings from our Pilot Schools Project.
Sponsored by Ruth Maguire (MSP for Cunninghame South), the event highlighted the benefits of craft to health, wellbeing and attainment, and invited MSPs to consider the long-term value of teaching craft as part of the MAKE Learn project.

MAKE Learn Steering Group
Launched in 2022
In 2022 we established the MAKE Learn Steering Group to progress key recommendations from the MAKE Learn report (2021) and co-ordinate events as part of an ongoing advocacy campaign calling for the explicit inclusion of craft within Scotland's education curriculum.

Research Report
Research Paper, led by Craft Scotland with researcher Rosemary James-Beith
A Research Paper, led by Craft Scotland with researcher Rosemary James-Beith, maps out best practice for craft education.
Drawing upon existing research, a survey of both teachers and makers and a set of key case studies, the report and findings are summarised into recommendations to tackle inequality in craft education; change perceptions of craft; identify career paths; and facilitate new experiences and opportunities for all of Scotland’s young people.
Craft and making education can contribute to learning and attainment across the curriculum; improving mental health and wellbeing; driving employability in a range of sectors and developing capacities to respond to the climate emergency. It can also protect Scotland’s unique craft heritage, increase appreciation for craft, and develop our talented, skilled makers of the future.
However, it is clear that the infrastructure does not yet exist to realise this potential. Through key findings and recommendations, the MAKE Learn Report, published in October 2021 and authored by Rosemary James-Beith, argues for the coordination, resources and strategy to create shared ground for the craft and education sectors to learn from each other, share best practice and resources, and develop ambitious collaborative projects, and talent development pathways.
Download the reports:

Pilot Schools Project
Pilot Schools Project, led by MAKE with maker Soizig Carey
A Pilot Schools Project, led by MAKE with maker Soizig Carey, explores the value of craft education within and beyond the school setting. Working with makers Deirdre Nelson, Stefanie Ying Lin Cheong and Eve Eunson, three craft activities explore traditional craft practice in Scotland; materials and their connection to place and the natural world; and the circular economy.
Each activity encourages meaningful engagement with materials, unlocking cross-disciplinary learning through craft making and experimentation. The activities were delivered from April – June 2021, to over 400 children (aged 9-11 years), in primary 5 – 7 classes, across six primary schools in Glasgow City and Argyll and Bute council regions.
Learn more about the MAKE Learn Pilot Schools Project