
Residencies & Jobs

Spring 2025 Stained Glass Residency Course

Apply now for MERZ stained glass residency course, this spring in Sanquhar, South West Scotland.

Closing date: 1 Mar 2025

The third MERZ residency for makers and artists to explore and learn stained glass making with celebrated glass artist Keira McLean. Concluding with a collaborative window featuring the local poets in the Nith Valley and poetry by visiting artists.

An initial week learning glass techniques, making your own sculptural and window glass incorporating found, reclaimed and new glass followed by weekly tuition and mentoring across the remainder of the month long course/residency, running from 28th April till 27th May 2025.

To receive further details a simple email from interested makers or artists together with a brief CV or digital biography to hello@merz.gallery as soon as possible.

Course fee is £800.00. There are several accommodation options available if daily travel to Sanquhar is not possible.

For further information, please contact merzgallery@icloud.com (David Rushton), or call 07906692506, or visit https://merz.gallery

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Opportunity provided by:
MERZ Gallery & Residencies
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