

Islay Spalding Contemporary Jewellery Design

Islay Spalding Contemporary Jewellery Design




Islay Spalding is a jewellery designer/maker who specialises in bespoke Kilt Pins and jewellery. She believes in quality craftsmanship and meaningful design, combining organic complexity with modern simplicity, creating unique pieces that are unusual and distinctive yet practical and pleasing to wear.

Landscapes and coastal outlines play a big part in her bespoke work and are used to evoke a sense of place in her designs. Grooves and notches to signify dates or numbers often feature and bring a secret personal meaning to the design and make it unique to the wearer.

Islay makes evolving collections of jewellery with inspiration weaving between surrealist art, geology, landscapes, architecture, and the beauty of the between. Her latest collection, Stravaig, is inspired by a series of wanders. A brooch from this collection, Tafoni Variations #1, has recently toured the UK as part of the Association for Contemporary Jewellery’s Meaning and Messages exhibition.

Based in Dundee, Islay is a proud advocate for the city and is actively involved in making it a more creative and vibrant place. She set up Double Door Studios in 2020, a jewellery workshop, studios and exhibition space in Dundee city centre where her practice is now based.

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