

Islay Spalding Contemporary Jewellery Design

Islay Spalding Contemporary Jewellery Design


Islay runs jewellery making workshops at Double Door Studios aimed at beginners and people looking for a one-off jewellery making experience, including making your own wedding rings. These can be booked on a set date (more info at www.doubledoorstudios.co.uk) or booked privately for groups of 2-5 people by contacting Islay by email.

Lecturing & Talks

Double Door Studios runs an intermittent programme of events which has included artist talks, most recently in April-June 2023, when they received funding to take part in a Dundee City Council project - ‘Think Thursday’. This project incentivised small businesses to stay open later on a Thursday and do something different from their usual offering. The team at Double Door Studios chose to run a series of artist talks in the style of interviews, and a pop-up shop which included the work of three guest designers who were also interviewed. These are available to view on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/doubledoorstudios/reels/?hl=en-gb


Islay works with her fellow studio residents to put on exhibitions and selling events at Double Door Studios. In 2021 they organised 100 Jewels by 100 Women, a project and exhibition led by DDS resident Ieva Jankovska which received funding from Creative Scotland - https://100jewels.uk/

The yearly Festive Boutique has become a staple of the Dundee Christmas shopping events calendar. The studio’s exhibition space is transformed into a Christmas pop-up shop for the run up to Christmas, stocked with contemporary craft, art and design by Scottish designer/makers alongside the jewellery, candles and frames made by studio residents.

Connect with Islay Spalding Contemporary Jewellery Design


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