

Patricia Shone

Shannon Tofts






I returned to the North and to making ceramics when I moved to the Isle of Skye 30 years ago. I am inspired by the geology and textures of the Highlands and the effect of erosion and of people on its surface. 

The relative remoteness of the place, its landscape and climate, the scale of the hills, all resonate with people. In a world where nature is cowed and overwhelmed by human presence, this is a place where we can still feel insignificant. In my work, I try to give a sense of that - the forces of nature, spontaneously formed textures, the unpredictable firing techniques, the acceptance of successes and failures.

Each unique piece is made by hand building - texturing, stretching and carving. Colours are achieved using slips, oxides and glazes but most of all by the firing processes; raku firing for soft earthenware blacks and greys; wood firing for warm earth tones and glazed stoneware; saggar firing within the wood kiln for dark greys and glazed stoneware. This gives a wide range of textures and densities of ceramic surface and body, reflecting the geology under our feet.

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