

Safeguarding Policy Update

Studio Emma / Photography by Susan Castillo

Studio Emma / Photography by Susan Castillo

Following on from our work in Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion (refreshed Policy and Roadmap published Nov 2021), Craft Scotland has been looking at Safeguarding within its organisation and charitable activities.   

Craft Scotland promotes the welfare, health and safety of all those in our community in relation to the work that we do. 

Safeguarding is the action that an organisation takes to promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and to protect them from harm including physical, emotional, sexual and financial harm and neglect. Child protection is part of this definition and refers to activities undertaken to prevent children suffering, or likely to suffer, harm from abuse or neglect. 

Craft Scotland’s policy goes further and extends to a commitment to safeguard all members of our community in relation to the work that we do. We will promote a safe environment and culture for all. This includes making sure that the appropriate policies, practices and procedures are put in place. 

We will ensure that all those involved in Craft Scotland’s work know about their responsibilities in recognising, reporting and recording safeguarding issues. The Craft Scotland Board and team will review our Safeguarding Policy and good practice annually. 

This policy sets out Craft Scotland's commitment to prohibiting discrimination, harassment and bullying in relation to the work that we do. It includes our Event Code of Conduct, which sets out expected standards of behaviour at our events, and further information on how to report safeguarding concerns. 


Contact Craft Scotland 

 If you would like to contribute to this Safeguarding discussion, please email Irene Kernan, Director, Craft Scotland at irene@craftscotland.org.  

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