

Cally Booker

Cally Booker

Stuart Booker


Textiles / Fibre



Cally Booker lives and weaves in Dundee on Scotland's east coast. She is passionate about the value of craft-making, both for its benefits to wellbeing and for the way in which making things by hand can deepen our appreciation of the material world. Cally’s work has been exhibited around the UK and internationally. She is a member of the Society of Designer Craftsmen and a past president of Complex Weavers. Cally is drawn to places at the edge, where land and water meet. In her work she explores lines and boundaries, positive and negative, randomness and rhythm, using multi-layered structures which hide and reveal. She achieves this by combining mark-making with algorithms, and digital design tools with the slow processes of hand-dyeing and hand-weaving. In her handwoven pieces she makes extensive use of multi-layered weaves using vibrant, naturally dyed and organic yarns. The interplay of different layers of colour gives her work its distinctive appeal. Through experimentation with data and digital tools, Cally uses weave both to tell stories and to celebrate the structure of the cloth itself.

Connect with Cally Booker


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